Di Redazione
La stampa statunitense ha finalmente avuto l’occasione di vedere Babylon, l’atteso nuovo film scritto e diretto da Damien Chazelle, nelle sale Usa a dicembre ed in Italia, con Eagle Pictures, a gennaio 2023. Nel cast del nuovo ambizioso film del regista, Margot Robbie, Brad Pitt, Tobey Maguire, Jean Smart e Diego Calva.
In attesa delle recensioni ufficiali, le reazioni della stampa su Twitter sono state decisamente polarizzanti: c’è chi lo definisce un capolavoro e chi invece un vero e proprio disastro? Dove sta la verità? Lo scopriremo soltanto a gennaio, quando arriverà finalmente nelle nostre sale. Intanto di seguito la sinossi ufficiale di Babylon e alcune reazioni della critica su Twitter:
Verso la fine degli anni Venti, Hollywood va incontro al più grande dei cambiamenti: il passaggio dal muto al sonoro. Molti artisti vedono la loro carriera stroncata mentre altri riescono a resistere al cambiamento e a traghettarsi nella nuova era: quelli dei talkies.
Tra chi è costretto ad affrontare il grande passaggio c’è John Gilbert (Brad Pitt), marito della Garbo e grande star dell’epoca e c’è anche Clara Bow (Margot Robbie), una delle prime sex symbol della storia, attrice venuta dalla miseria e diventata icona e simbolo dei ruggenti anni venti e di una femminilità che rompe con le regole.
#Babylon feels like if someone read Damien Chazelle the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and then he said, “hold my beer!”
High octane, cocaine-inducing trip. First half is great. Likely the internet’s new favorite movie of all-time. Margot Robbie and Justin Hurwitz are your stars. pic.twitter.com/aM3rru1so0— Clayton Davis – Stand with 🇺🇦 (@ByClaytonDavis) November 15, 2022
I have some really — really — bad news to share with you, #Babylon’s a flaming hot mess, a tonal disaster, easily Damien Chazelle’s worst film & one of the worst films of 2022 💀
— Erick MMT Weber (@ErickWeber) November 15, 2022
BABYLON what a movie! A love letter to cinema. Damien Chazelle’s best film! I loved it! What a wild fun time at the movies! Margot Robbie gives a high octane performance that took my breath away! Bravo! #BabylonMovie #babylon #MargotRobbie
— Josh Blumenkranz (@JoshBlumenkranz) November 15, 2022
#Babylon is one of the best movies of the year! Damien Chazelle knocks it out of the park. Stylish, hilarious, and incredibly entertaining from start to finish. The scene where Brad Pitt dances on a ledge didn’t need to be 40 minutes long. Otherwise great! pic.twitter.com/GASlD8cEko
— Dan (@Danimalish) November 15, 2022
#Babylon/#BabylonMovie is a daring Hollywood epic that utterly shocks the senses. Margot Robbie and Diego Calva give huge performances. Damien Chazelle incorporates his signature musicality and movement throughout. Justin Hurwitz’s score is one hell of a wall of sound. pic.twitter.com/RTlL9WhaKa
— Jeff Nelson (@SirJeffNelson) November 15, 2022
Babylon is an ambitious mess of a film. I don’t even know where to begin with this one but the tone is all over the place. Margot Robbie tries but the script fails her. A love letter to cinema that made me hate cinema. #BabylonMovie pic.twitter.com/BnKQiOz2Zd
— Scott Menzel (@ScottDMenzel) November 15, 2022
Babylon is a fever dream of a movie that’s best when it’s being a straight out comedy. The drama barely plays. Pitt and Jovan Adepo give the best performances in the movie. Robbie gives it her all but the character is so one note. Didn’t love it.
— Gregory Ellwood -The Playlist 🎬 (@TheGregoryE) November 15, 2022
A coked-up Margot Robbie projectile vomiting all over the face of a stuffy old man in a tux pretty much sums up the chaotic energy and glorious messiness of BABYLON, truly the strangest, most debaucherous love letter to Hollywood ever.
— Kevin Polowy (@djkevlar) November 15, 2022
Damien Chazelle brings buckets of energy to BABYLON, but it’s never not pounding and obvious and, finally, uninsightful. Everything about it is borrowed — even down to Tobey Maguire stealing the film as its Alfred Molina. A Scorsese coke film by a squeaky clean director.
— Joshua Rothkopf (@joshrothkopf) November 15, 2022