Spotlight fa il pieno di premi a Los Angeles, Boston e New York!

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Di Simone Fabriziani
Domenica di passione per chi segue la Stagione dei Premi in divenire; l’annuncio non unanime di tre organi di critica regionale statunitense dal noto peso (LA, New York Online e Boston) hanno confermato alcuni nomi già sospetti, ma perlopiù hanno ulteriormente mischiato le carte in tavola di quella che già da pochi giorni risulta una delle Awards Season più incerte degli ultimi anni.
A trionfare a Los Angeles è la folle corsa adrenalinica di George Miller: Mad Max-Fury Road si porta a casa 3 riconoscimenti (Regia, Fotografia e Scenografia), ma il Miglior Film è Spotlight che si porta a acasa anche il riconoscimento alla Sceneggiatura; nelle categorie attoriali scelte alternative ed ispirate: Michael Fassbender  e Charlotte Rampling in Lead, Alicia Vikander (ma per “Ex Machina”) e Michael Shannon per l’indie “99 Homes” in Supporting:

Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards

Best Cinematography
John Seale “Mad Max: Fury Road”
runner-up: “Carol”

Best Use of Music
Carter Burwell “Carol”, “Anomalisa”
runner-up: Ennio Morricone “The Hateful Eight”

Best Supporting Actor
Michael Shannon “99 Homes”
runner-up: Mark Rylance “Bridge of Spies”

Best Production Design
“Mad Max: Fury Road”
runner-up: “Carol”

Best Editing
Hank Corwin “The Big Short”
runner-up: Margaret Sixel “Mad Max: Fury Road”

Best Supporting Actress
Alicia Vikander “Ex Machina”
runner-up: Kristen Stewart “Clouds of Sils Maria”

Best Documentary
runner-up: “The Look of Silence”

Best Screenplay
Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer “Spotlight”
runner-up: Charlie Kaufman “Anomalisa”

Best Actor
Michael Fassbender “Steve Jobs”
runner-up: Geza Rohrig “Son of Saul”

Best Animation
runner-up: “Inside Out”

Best Director
George Miller “Mad Max: Fury Road”
runner-up: Todd Haynes “Carol”

Best Actress
Charlotte Rampling “45 Years”
runner-up: Saoirse Ronan “Brooklyn”

Best Foreign Language Film
“Son of Saul”
runner-up: “The Tribe”

Best Film
runner-up: “Mad Max: Fury Road”

New Generation Award
Ryan Coogler

A Boston trionfa nuovamente (ma c’era da aspettarselo) Spotlight con tre riconoscimenti importanti (Film, Sceneggiatura, Cast), mentre sorprende l’ex-aequo al Miglior Attore tra Paul Dano per Love and Mercy e Leonardo Di Caprio per The Revenant: tra i Non Protagonisti si riconferma Kristen Stewart dopo le vittorie a New York, Boston, Boston Online e il secondo posto a Los Angeles e Mark Rylance per “Il Ponte delle Spie”; bis per la Rampling dopo la vittoria a Los Angeles:

Boston Film Critics Association Awards

Best Use of Music
“Love and Mercy”
runner-up: “Creed”

Best Editing
“Mad Max: Fury Road”
runner-up: “Spotlight”

Best Cinematography
runner-up: “The Revenant”

Best New Filmaker
Marielle Heller “Diary of a Teenage Girl”
runner-up: Alex Garland “Ex Machina”

Best Animated Film
tie “Anomalisa”, “Inside Out”
runner-up: “Shaun the Sheep The Movie”

Best Documentary
runner-up: “The Look of Silence”

Best Screenplay
“Spotlight” (Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer)
runner-up: “Carol” (Phyllis Nagy)

Best Ensemble Cast
runner-up: “The Big Short”

Best Supporting Actress
Kristen Stewart “Clouds of Sils Maria”
runner-up: Alicia Vikander “The Danish Girl”

Best Supporting Actor
Mark Rylance “Bridge of Spies”
runner-up: Sylvester Stallone “Creed”

Best Actress
Charlotte Rampling “45 Years”
runner-up: Saoirse Ronan “Brooklyn”

Best Actor
tie Paul Dano “Love and Mercy”, Leonardo DiCaprio “The Revenant”
runner-up: Bryan Cranston “Trumbo”

Best Director
Todd Haynes “Carol”
runner-up: Tom McCarthy “Spotlight”

Best Film
runner-up: “Mad Max: Fury Road”

Best Foreign Film
“The Look of”Silence”
runner-up: “White God”

La critica online di New York  riconferma Mark Rylance come il “critical darling” in Supporting dopo le vittorie qui, a New York, a Boston e il secondo posto in categoria a Los Angeles, mentre vince il suo primo premio in Supporting Rooney Mara per l’intenso Carol. Miglior Attrice è Brie Larson per l’emozionante Room e Paul Dano fa doppietta qui come Lead Actor dopo Boston. A trionfare con il riconoscimento maggiore è di nuovo “Spotlight” che se ne va con 4 menzioni importanti al Film, alla Regia, alla Sceneggiatura e al Cast d’Insieme.

New York Online Film Critics Awards

Breakthrough Performance
Alicia Vikander “The Danish Girl”, “Ex Machina”

Best Supporting Actress
Rooney Mara “Carol”

Best Supporting Actor
Mark Rylance “Bridge of Spies”

Best Screenplay

Best Cinematography
“Mad Max: Fury Road”

Best Use of Music
“Love and Mercy”

Best Debut Director
Alex Garland “Ex Machina”

Best Director
Tom McCarthy “Spotlight”

Best Actress
Brie Larson “Room”

Best Actor
Paul Dano “Love and Mercy”

Best Ensemble Cast

Best Foreign Film
“Son of Saul”

Best Documentary Feature

Best Animated Feature
“Inside Out”

Best Film

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