VES Awards, ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ premiato dal sindacato effetti speciali di Hollywood

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Di Simone Fabriziani

La Visual Effects Society ha rivelato i vincitori dell’edizione 2019 dei maggiori premi del sindacato effetti speciali e visivi di Hollywood. A dominare nel conteggio dei riconoscimenti assegnati, i Marvel Studios con i premi a Avengers: Infinity War e Spider-man: Un nuovo universo.

Il primo ha ottenuto il premio come migliori effetti visivi in un film, mentre il film d’animazione Sony domina la sezione dell’animazione; premio importante anche per First man – Il primo uomo, premiato per i migliori effetti visivi di supporto in un lungometraggio live-action. La sfida per l?oscar di categoria è tra il blockbuster Marvel dei fratelli Russo e lo sbarco sulla Luna raccontato da Damien Chazelle.

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Photoreal Feature
“Avengers: Infinity War”
Daniel DeLeeuw
Jen Underdahl
Kelly Port
Matt Aitken
Daniel Sudick
Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Feature
“First Man”
Paul Lambert
Kevin Elam
Tristan Myles
Ian Hunter
JD Schwalm
Outstanding Visual Effects in an Animated Feature
“Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse”
Joshua Beveridge
Christian Hejnal
Danny Dimian
Bret St. Clair
Outstanding Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode
“Lost in Space” – “Danger, Will Robinson”
Jabbar Raisani
Terron Pratt
Niklas Jacobson
Joao Sita
Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode
“Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan” – Pilot
Erik Henry
Matt Robken
Bobo Skipper
Deak Ferrand
Pau Costa
Outstanding Visual Effects in a Real-Time Project
“Age of Sail”
John Kahrs
Kevin Dart
Cassidy Curtis
Theresa Latzko
Outstanding Visual Effects in a Commercial
John Lewis – “The Boy and the Piano”
Kamen Markov
Philip Whalley
Anthony Bloor
Andy Steele
Outstanding Visual Effects in a Special Venue Project
“Childish Gambino’s Pharos”
Keith Miller
Alejandro Crawford
Thelvin Cabezas
Jeremy Thompson
Outstanding Animated Character in a Photoreal Feature
“Avengers: Infinity War” – Thanos
Jan Philip Cramer
Darren Hendler
Paul Story
Sidney Kombo-Kintombo
Outstanding Animated Character in an Animated Feature
“Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” – Miles Morales
Marcos Kang
Chad Belteau
Humberto Rosa
Julie Bernier Gosselin
Outstanding Animated Character in an Episode or Real-Time Project
“Lost in Space” – Humanoid
Chad Shattuck
Paul Zeke
Julia Flanagan
Andrew McCartney
Outstanding Animated Character in a Commercial
Volkswagen – “Born Confident” – Bam
David Bryan
Chris Welsby
Fabian Frank
Chloe Dawe
Outstanding Created Environment in a Photoreal Feature
“Ready Player One” – The Shining, Overlook Hotel
Mert Yamak
Stanley Wong
Joana Garrido
Daniel-Ștefan Gagiu
Outstanding Created Environment in an Animated Feature
“Spider-Man; Into the Spider-Verse” – Graphic New York City
Terry Park
Bret St. Clair
Kimberly Liptrap
Dave Morehead
Outstanding Created Environment in an Episode, Commercial, or Real-Time Project
“Lost in Space” – Pilot; – mpact Area
Philip Engström
Kenny Vähäkari
Jason Martin
Martin Bergquist
Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a Photoreal Project
“Ready Player One” – New York Race
Daniele Bigi
Edmund Kolloen
Mathieu Vig
Jean-Baptiste Noyau
Outstanding Model in a Photoreal or Animated Project
“Mortal Engines” – London
Matthew Sandoval
James Ogle
Nick Keller
Sam Tack
Outstanding Effects Simulations in a Photoreal Feature
“Avengers: Infinity War” – Titan
Gerardo Aguilera
Ashraf Ghoniem
Vasilis Pazionis
Hartwell Durfor
Outstanding Effects Simulations in an Animated Feature
“Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse”
Ian Farnsworth
Pav Grochola
Simon Corbaux
Brian D. Casper
Outstanding Effects Simulations in an Episode, Commercial, or Real-Time Project
“Altered Carbon”
Philipp Kratzer
Daniel Fernandez
Xavier Lestourneaud
Andrea Rosa
Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal Feature
“Avengers: Infinity War” – Titan
Sabine Laimer
Tim Walker
Tobias Wiesner
Massimo Pasquetti
Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal Episode
“Lost in Space” – “Impact” – Crash Site Rescue
David Wahlberg
Douglas Roshamn
Sofie Ljunggren
Fredrik Lönn
Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal Commercial
Apple – “Welcome Home”
Michael Ralla
Steve Drew
Alejandro Villabon
Peter Timberlake
Outstanding Visual Effects in a Student Project
“Terra Nova”
Thomas Battistetti
Mélanie Geley
Mickael Le Mezo
Guillaume Hoarau
 Fonte: Variety


