Oppenheimer, le prime reazioni lodano il film di Christopher Nolan

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La stampa statunitense ha visto in anteprima l’attesissimo Oppenheimer, il nuovo film scritto e diretto da Christopher Nolan, incentrato sulla figura controversa di J. Robert Oppenheimer, l’uomo che inventò di fatto la terribile bomba atomica che poi gli americani usarono contro il Giappone nell’infausto 1945. Il film, in arrivo nelle sale Usa il 21 luglio con Universal Pictures e in Italia il prossimo 23 agosto, è ispirato al libro di Kai Bird “Oppenheimer. Trionfo e caduta del padre della bomba atomica”.

In attesa delle recensioni ufficiali, ecco un inventario di alcune delle più significative reazioni da parte della stampa di settore Usa, che loda la regia di Nolan, il montaggio, l’assetto sonoro, e i suoi attori, in particolar modo Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt e soprattutto Robert Downey Jr., che nel ruolo secondario di Lewis Strauss, antagonista dello stesso protagonista, pare rubi la scena e si prenoti per un’inevitabile candidatura all’Oscar il prossimo anno.

Oppenheimer debutterà nelle sale italiane il prossimo 23 agosto con Universal Pictures

I was skeptical, but Oppenheimer has stuck with me since seeing it last week. Yes, it’s 3 hours, but in a dense-Scorsese way and the last 20 minutes (why Emily Blunt clearly took the role) bring its three narrative threads to a moving conclusion. (1) pic.twitter.com/dEC4hLlYiF

— Gregory Ellwood – The Playlist 🎬 (@TheGregoryE) July 11, 2023

#Oppenheimer is my film of the year.

Christopher Nolan makes 3 hours fly in stunning form. Cillian Murphy and Robert Downey Jr. are incredibly strong.

The story is chilling in the tragic sense of World War II’s lack of humanity and on intimate human levels.

Stunning and scary. pic.twitter.com/TkxJeGfd5E

— BD (@BrandonDavisBD) July 11, 2023

OPPENHEIMER is one of if not Nolan’s best work. And that comes from a huge Nolan admirer. I’ve see it twice. Impeccable immersive filmmaking of the highest order. Cillian Murphy gets the role he deserves. In love with Downey’s work. This one demands your attention.

— Josh Horowitz (@joshuahorowitz) July 11, 2023

Christopher Nolan’s #Oppenheimer is fantastic – big & bold w/ electrifying performances & an incredibly visceral pacing to it. It’s both quietly intimate & also a ferocious moviegoing experience at the same time. See it in IMAX 70mm & it’ll be among your favorite watches of 2023 pic.twitter.com/GAZWiPEgFW

— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) July 11, 2023

I think #Oppenheimer is Nolan’s JFK. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE JFK. Cillian Murphy mesmerizes in a star-studded moral quandary about Scientific Theory becoming deadly fact. The entire cast is outstanding, and while the history is DENSE, it’s Nolan’s most streamlined and accessible. pic.twitter.com/S8B2wAgzEb

— Sean O’Connell (@Sean_OConnell) July 11, 2023

#Oppenheimer is staggering in every sense of the word. Might sound nuts to say this about a Chris Nolan movie that isn’t INCEPTION, DUNKIRK, or even TENET, but this could be his most formally daring work yet. Sharp script, impeccable sound design, and Cillian Murphy is a *force*

— Jeremy Mathai (@Somthin_Tookish) July 11, 2023

#ChristopherNolan‘s #Oppenheimer is incredible. Every aspect of the film is worth talking about from the brilliant performances, to #HoytevanHoytema‘s amazing work behind the camera, to the way Nolan tells the story. The 3 hour run time flies by. See it in @IMAX 70mm if you can. pic.twitter.com/8mPVJGALKu

— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) July 11, 2023

Fonte: World of Reel


